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Autoform is part of the standard pipeline for sending intents to a Service. It automagically gathers and includes form data with the data that is being piped to the Service. It can be thought of as a organizer for form data.

Autoform is a part of the approach.autoform.js module. and can be used to better improve the Interface and Service interaction.


Autoform looks for forms that have the Autoform class, then based on the data-action attribute, form data is grouped and piped to the Service.

Autoform has to always be used in a node that is recognized as an Interface, ie it’s parent should have an Interface class.


<div class="tab tab2 Interface InterfaceContent" id="Survey">
<form class="p-3 Autoform" data-action="Survey">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" class="form-control">
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" class="form-control">

Notice the Autoform class and the data-action attribute. This is the minimum requirement for Autoform to work.

Now, to “submit” the form, you can use a button with the data-role="autoform attribute.

<div class="controls">
class="visual control btn btn-secondary mt-3"
data-intent='{ "REFRESH": { "Server" : "Save" } }'
data-context='{ "_response_target": "#result"}'
Click Me!

This sends the intent to the server with the following data:

"Server": "Save",
"Survey": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""

Use Cases

Autoform can be used to build complex forms and automagically categorize form data. It can be used to build surveys, feedback forms and much more.