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Service Class

Approach::Service enables users to send, receive and/or convert various data formats

Incoming or outgoing targets include:

  • APIs
  • Databases
  • Streams
  • Files -Types

Or simply returning the result.


The Service class interacts with a number of other classes and traits to achieve its functionality, including:

  1. Target: An enumeration defining the different input and output targets that the Service class can work with, such as files, streams, API endpoints, and more.
  2. Flow: An enumeration that specifies the direction of data flow, either incoming (in) or outgoing (out).
  3. Format: An enumeration that lists the various supported data formats for encoding and decoding, such as JSON, XML, CSV, and more.
  4. Decode: A class that handles the decoding of data from the specified format.
  5. Encode: A class that manages the encoding of data into the desired format.
  6. Custom encoder/decoder classes: Users can create their own encoder and decoder classes to handle custom formats or specific data processing tasks.


This adaptable approach to data handling allows developers to seamlessly work with different data sources, destinations, and formats without having to manually handle each conversion or transformation. Process-to-process, client-server and other models are abstracted to a standard interface.

The Service class simplifies complex data processing tasks and enables developers to create more efficient and maintainable APIs.