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Best Practices

When using the Service class, follow these recommendations and guidelines to ensure effective and efficient usage:

  • Plan your data flow: Before implementing the Service class, have a clear understanding of the data flow between different components of your application. This will help you determine the appropriate input and output targets, formats, and other settings.
  • Choose appropriate input and output targets: Use the most suitable input and output targets for your specific use case. For example, if you’re working with local files, use the target::file target. If you’re working with API endpoints, use the target::api target.
  • Use the correct format: Ensure that you’re using the correct format for both input and output data. This will prevent issues related to data serialization and deserialization.
  • Handle exceptions: Make sure to handle exceptions that may be thrown by the Service class. This will help you manage errors and provide useful feedback to the user.
  • Disconnect when done: After completing your tasks with the Service class, don’t forget to disconnect the Service object. This will free up resources and prevent potential memory leaks.